Kips Class 9 AI Unit 5: Green Skills (Importance of Green Economy)

Unit 5: Green Skills (Importance of Green Economy)

Assessment Time
A. Multiple Choice Questions:
1. Green skill is the ability to _________.
a) Plant trees
b) Protect trees
c) Identify trees
d) Conserve the environment
d) Conserve the environment

2. Setting up solar panels is an example of ____________.
a) Green job
b) Social job
c) Traffic job
d) Hydel job
a) Green job

3. Green economy can lead to _______________.
a) New job opportunities
b) Low carbon economy
c) Better quality of life on this planet
d) All of these
d) All of these

4. Imparting green skill sets will generate ________________.
a) More nurseries
b) New species of trees
c) Renewal of fossil fuels
d) New employment opportunities
d) New employment opportunities

5. Manufacturing diesel generator sets is an example of green job.
a) True
b) Partially True
c) False
d) Partially False
c) False

B. Fill in the Blanks:
1. Green economy emphasises on becoming more resource efficient.
2. Green buildings preserve precious natural resources and improve the quality of life.
3. Bamboo is a tropical commercial grass which controls soil erosion.
4. A green economy is essential for environmental sustainability and future prosperity.
5. Transition towards a green economy can help us in countering the ecological problems.

C. Answer the Following Questions:
1. Define green skills.
Green skills are the knowledge, abilities, values and attitudes needed to live in, develop and support a society which reduces the negative impact on human activity on the environment.

2. What is green economy?
Green economy is an economy that results in improved human well-being and social equity while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities.

3. What do you understand by the term green job?
Green job is defined as a work in agriculture, manufacturing, research and development, administrative, and service activities that contributes towards preserving or restoring the quality of environment.

4. What are the aims of green economy?
Green economy has three aims: Low carbon growth, Resource efficiency and Social inclusions.

5. What are the six key points on which green economy is based?
Green economy is based on the following key points: Clean Transportation, Efficient and Cleaner Energy Production, Water Management, Land Management, Greener Buildings, and Waste Management and Disposal.

6. Explain the term sustainable development.
Sustainable development means the development that fulfils the needs of the present generation without exhausting the resources for future generation.

D. Answer in One or Two Sentences:
1. Enlist any three human activities that cause damage to the environment.
Three human activities that cause damage to the environment are
• Burning fossil fuels
• Cutting forests for wood
• Flushing waste into rivers

2. List any two job opportunities in the green sector.
Two job opportunities in the green sector are
• Tourism (as eco-tourist guides)
• Agriculture (as organic farmers or green practitioners)

3. How do greenhouse gasses affect our environment?
The gasses that trap the heat in the atmosphere are called greenhouse gasses. Some of the greenhouse gasses are carbon dioxide, methane, CFCs etc. These gases cause global warming of the environment. The rising temperatures could melt the polar ice caps, submerging much of low-lying land masses and many coastal cities under sea water.

4. How do green jobs help in restoring the quality of the environment?
Green jobs reduce the environmental impact of enterprises and economic sectors by improving the efficiency of energy, raw materials and water, de-carbonizing the economy and bringing down emissions of greenhouse gases, minimizing waste and pollution, protecting ecosystems and biodiversity, and supporting adaptation to the effects of climate change.

5. What issues does India aims to address through green economy initiatives?
Issues that India aims to address through green economy initiatives are:
• Issues of energy scarcity
• Issues of environmental pollution
• Issues of unemployment or underemployment

E. Answer the Following Questions:
1. What is green skill and what is its importance in the present times?
Green skills refer to the knowledge, abilities, values and attitudes needed to live in, develop and support a society which reduces the negative impact of human activity on the environment.

2. Explain the relationship between man and environment. How does one impact the other?
Environment and human activities are closely linked to each other, one impacts the other. Therefore, by damaging the natural environment and depleting the natural resources by their activities, humans are threatening their very own existence. The environment affects people through climate, water availability, shelter availability, and soil for plant growth. People affect the environment by burning fossil fuels, creating urban areas, cutting forests for wood, flushing waste into rivers.

3. Explain the concept of Social Inclusion.
Social inclusion means sharing the responsibility as well as the benefits of economic growth across all sections of society. The shift towards green practices require investments by private and public sectors leading to growth income and employment through green jobs. 

4. How can youth benefit from the Green Skill Development Programme (GSDP) of the government of India?
To train green skilled workers with technical knowledge and commitment and to conserve and preserve the environment, to generate new jobs for green skilled workers who will help to protect ecosystems and biodiversity, reduce energy consumption, and minimise the waste and pollution, to preserve or restore environmental quality so that is lasts for future generations.

5. What are the benefits of moving towards green economy?
The benefits of moving towards green economy are
• Improvement in air, water and soil quality.
• Reduction in disease and deaths of living beings.
• Increase in new areas of employment.
• Improving resource efficiency and this increasing industrial and agricultural production.
• Reduction in money spent on conservation of environment, relief and rehabilitation of people etc.

6. Why is low carbon growth the chief aim of green economy? How do the increased carbon emissions impact the environment?
Human activities like burning of fossil fuels have increased the concentration of greenhouse gases. This prevents Earth from cooling at night, causing global warming and climate change. The term low carbon means reduction of all greenhouse gas emissions. Low Carbon Growth is now generally expressed using the term Low Emission Development Strategies (LEDS). The increased carbon emissions impact the environment:
• Polluted water and soil contaminate vegetation that we consume.
• Global warming is causing more wildfires, droughts and tropical storms.
• Carbon dioxide also contribute to air pollution creating acid rains. Acid rains damage trees and pollute other resources etc.

F. Application Based Questions:
1. Imagine you are involved in Green Skill Development Programme. Some students have come to your office to know about some of the fields covered under this programme. Suggest them some job opportunities involving green skills.
Eco-tourist guides, organic farmers, green practitioners etc.

2. Bahadur Lal is working as a junior officer in the National Park. How is he contributing towards green economy? Justify your answer.
Bahadur Lal is contributing towards green economy by working diligently towards an efficient and inclusive green economy.

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