NCERT Class 7 Civics Chapter 2 - Role of Government in Health Notes

Chapter 2 - Role of Government in Health Notes

1. In a democracy people expect the government to work for their welfare. This could be through the provision of various aspects including health.

2. One dimension of the dimension is our ability to remain free of illness and injuries. We need to think of other factors that affect our health such as clean drinking water, pollution free environment, cleanliness around us.

3. India has the largest number of medical colleges in the world and is among the largest producer of doctors.

4. In the year 1950 India has only 2,217 hospitals while in the year 2000 there were 18,218 hospitals in India.

5. India gets a large number of medical tourists from many countries. It means in India we have best hospitals in the world.

6. India is the fourth largest producer of medicines in the world and is also a large exporter of medicines.

7. Apart from the largest number of medical colleges, doctors, hospitals and as a high producer of medicines there are many adverse situations in the country in this regard. The number of doctors with respect to population is much less in rural areas. About five lakh people die from tuberculosis every year, almost two million cases of malaria are reported every year. Unavailability of drinking water to all and water-borne diseases such as diarrhoea, worms, hepatitis etc., are found. About half of all children in India are undernourished.

8. Health care facilities can be divided into two categories-
→ Public health services
→ Private health services

9. Public health services are run by governments both in urban and rural areas. The government has established these hospitals and health centres in order to provide health care to all citizens. These hospitals provide health care services either free or at a low cost, so that even the poor can seek treatment.

10. The health care services provided by the doctors from their own resources are called Private health facilities. In other words, private health facilities are not owned or controlled by the government. There are many hospitals, nursing homes; laboratories etc., that are being run by the private health provider. There are large companies that run hospitals and some are engaged in manufacturing and selling medicines.

11. A wide range of private health facilities exist in our country. A large number of doctors run their own private clinics.

12. Registered Medical Practitioners (RMPs) are found in the rural areas. In the cities we can see a large number of reputed and specialist doctors of many fields.

13. Adequate healthcare is not available to all in the country. About 80% of the population cannot afford all the medicines, it means only 20% people are capable to afford the cost of medical facilities. The poor people are totally dependent on the public or government health care services.

14. The health care situation of most people in our country is not good for the poor and the disadvantaged citizens.

15. In the field of drinking water, food, women development, education and health etc. the State Government, of Kerala made efforts. In 1996, the Kerala Government, provisioned 40% of the entire budget for Panchayats to provide various facilities for the rural people.

16. The Costa Rica is considered to be one of the healthiest countries in South America. The government re¬duced the expenses on the army and this amount was spent on health, education and other basic needs of the people.

17. The Costa Rica government provides safe drinking water, sanitation, nutrition and housing. Health education is also considered very important and knowledge about health is an essential part of education at all level.

18. Public is an activity or service that is meant for all people in the country and is mainly organised by the government. This includes schools, hospitals, telephone services, etc. People can demand these services and also raise questions about their non-functioning.

19. Private is an activity or service that is organised by an individual or company for their own profit.

20. Medical tourists refers to foreigners who come to this country specifically for medical treatment at hospitals that offer world - class facilities at a lower cost than what they would have to pay in their own countries.

21. Communicable diseases are the diseases that are spread from one person to another in many ways such as through water, food, air, etc.

22. OPD is the short form for ‘Out Patient Department’. This is where people are first brought in and treated in a hospital without being admitted to any special ward.

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