NCERT Class 7 Geography Chapter 5 - Water Extra Questions

Chapter 5 - Water Extra Questions

Multiple Choice Questions
1. Which is the process through which water continuously changes its form?
a) Water cycle
b) Food cycle
c) Rain
d) All of these
a) Water cycle

2. Which one of the following is an artificial enclosure for keeping small house plants?
a) Terrarium
b) Thermosphere
c) Climate
d) Evaporation
a) Terrarium

3. Which day of the year is celebrated as Water Day?
a) 26 January
b) 15 January
c) 15 August
d) 22 March
d) 22 March

4. The movements that occur in oceans can be broadly called
a) wave
b) circulation
c) water cycle
d) all of these
b) circulation

5. Which is the Japanese word which means ‘Harbour Waves’?
a) Tsunami
b) Sea wave
c) Ocean wave
d) None of these
a) Tsunami

6. The rhythmic rise and fall of ocean water twice in a day is known as
a) tide
b) wave
c) Ocean currents
d) None of these
a) tide

7. The Labrador and Gulf Stream are the examples of
a) Tides
b) Ocean currents
c) Tsunami
d) Waves
b) Ocean currents

8. The average salinity of the oceans is __ parts per thousand.
a) 34
b) 35
c) 36
d) 37
b) 35

9. Dead Sea is located in which of the following country?
a) Pakistan
b) Saudi Arabia
c) Israel
d) Iraq
c) Israel

10. _______ is the amount of salt in grams present in 1000 grams of water.
a) Air
b) Salinity
c) Garbage
d) All of these
b) Salinity

Answer the following questions:
11. What is water cycle?
The process by which water continuously changes its form and circulates between oceans, atmosphere and land is known as water cycle.

12. What is Transpiration?
Transpiration is the process of water movement through a plant and its evaporation from aerial parts such as leaves, stems, flowers.

13. What is precipitation?
Precipitation is any liquid or frozen water that forms in the atmosphere and falls back to the earth. It comes in many forms like rain sleet and snow.

14. Explain water cycle.
The sun's heat causes evaporation of water into vapour. When the water vapour cool down, it condenses and forms cloud. From there it may fall on the land or sea in form of rain, snow or sleet. It is the process by which water continuously changes its form and circulates between oceans, atmosphere and land.

15. Explain why Ocean water is salty.
Ocean water is salty because it contains a large amount of salt dissolved in it. The salt present in ocean water is mostly sodium chloride or the common salt.

16. Why is the quality of water is deteriorating?
The quality of water is deteriorating in following ways:
• Mixing of sewerage water into the river etc.
• Excessive use of water causing scarcity.
• Mixing of industrial effluent and untreated water of industries into the stream, river and even oceans.

17. Write a brief note on Tsunami.
Tsunami is the Japanese word that means Harbour waves as the Harbours get destroyed whenever there is a Tsunami. Tsunami can be high as 15m. The largest Tsunami was 150 metres height. These waves travel at the speed of more than 700 km per hour. In 2004, the Tsunami caused damage to Indira Point in Andaman Nicobar Islands.

18. How do we classify ocean movement? Explain.
We can classify ocean movements as follow -
• When the water on the surface of the ocean rises and falls alternatively, they are called waves. The stronger the wind blows the bigger the waves become.
• The rythmic rise and fall of ocean water twice in a day is known as tide. Tides may be high or low. It is high tide when water covers much of the shore by rising to its highest level. It is low tide when waterfalls to its lowest level and recedes from the shore. Tides are caused due to the strong gravitational pull exerted by the sun and moon on the Earth's surface.
• Ocean current are stream of water flowing constantly on ocean surface in definite direction. There are two types of ocean currents - Cold current - Labrador Ocean Current Warm current - Gulf Stream Current

19. How are high tides important?
High Tides are important in following ways -
• They help in navigation.
• They raise the water level close to the shores. This helps the ship to arrive at the harbour easily.
• They also help in fishing.
• They help to generate electricity.

20. What are the factors affecting the height of the waves?
Winds, Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions or underwater landslides are the factors affecting the height of the waves. The stronger the wind blows the bigger the waves become.

21. Why do people in Dead Sea float?
Dead Sea in Israel has salinity of 340 grams per litre of water. Swimmers can float in it because the increased salt content makes it dense.

22. Give 5 examples of cold current.
Some examples of cold current are
• West Wind Drift
• Canaries Current
• California Current
• Labrador Current
• West Australian Current

23. Give 5 examples of warm current.
Some examples of warm current are
• North Equatorial Current
• Gulf Stream
• Brazilian Current
• Alaska Current
• Oyashio Current

24. Give 2 examples where warm and cold current meet.
The 2 examples where warm and cold current meet are Japan and eastern coast of North America.

Fill in the blanks
25. About
97.3% of water is present in the oceans and 2% as ice-caps.

26. The movements that occur in oceans are
waves, tides and currents.

Indira Point in the Andaman and Nicobar islands got submerged after the tsunami of 2004.

28. High tides help in
navigation and fishing.

Caspian Sea is the largest lake.

30. Most of the salt is
sodium chloride.

March 22 is celebrated as World Water Day when the need to conserve water is reinforced in different ways.

Waves are formed when winds scrape across the ocean surface.

33. The stronger the wind blows, the
bigger the wave becomes.

34. Tsunami is a
Japanese word that means “Harbour waves” as the harbours get destroyed whenever there is tsunami.

35. The largest tsunami ever measured was
150 meter high.

36. Tsunami waves travel at a speed of more than
700 km per hour.

37. It is
high tide when water covers much of the shore by rising to its highest level.

38. The strong gravitational pull exerted by the sun and the moon on the earth’s surface causes the

39. During the full moon and new moon days, the sun, the moon and the earth are in the same line and the tides are

40. The warm ocean currents originate near the
equator and move towards the poles.

41. The cold currents carry water from
polar or higher latitudes to tropical or lower latitudes.

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