Kips Class 8 AI Unit 4: Possibilities Worksheet Solution

Unit 4: Possibilities Worksheet Solution

Worksheet: Emergence of AI in Different Spheres of Everyday Life
You are to research and note down emerging trends in each of these spheres. You can also find out about the new developments pertaining to AI in these fields, and companies (start-up, big organisations or community projects) that are working on such developments.
Health _____________________________________________________________________________
Security ____________________________________________________________________________
Education __________________________________________________________________________
Transportation _______________________________________________________________________
Entertainment _______________________________________________________________________
Services ___________________________________________________________________________

• Health
→ AI can decrease the cost to develop medicines and also produce more quantity of medicines.
→ AI can perform better and accurate diagnosis than humans.
→ Example: MYCIN
• Security
→ AI can be used to spot cyber threats and malicious activities. It can also identify the unknown threats.
→ AI can handle lots of data securely.
→ Example: Sophos
• Education
→ Students can get additional support from AI.
→ AI will point out in the places where courses of students are needed to be improved.
→ Example: RoboKart
• Transportation
→ AI has the potential to make traffic more efficient, make parking easier.
→ AI can also reduce the number of traffic accidents. This will make the transportation easier.
→ Example: DriverMiles
• Entertainment
→ Entertainment industries are experimenting with AI to produce original music, books, recipes, films etc.
→ Companies are using this technology to know what their users would like to watch or listen.
→ Example: Netflix
• Services
→ AI can enhance the customer experience in nearly every way when it's applied correctly.
→ It also helps in cutting the cost of the businesses.
→ Example: Google Cloud Platform

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