Kips Class 6 Cyber Apps Chapter 1 Computational Thinking

Chapter 1 Computational Thinking

Brain Developer
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. An algorithm employs logical thinking to develop a step-by-step strategy to solve any problem.
2. Abstraction is filtering out details of the problem to focus on the relevant ones.
3. Observing trends and similarities in data is known as pattern recognition.
4. The process of developing the list of steps that we follow to finish the task is called Algorithm design.
5. Understanding the problem and conditions, and defining the goal comes in analysis.

B. State True or False:
1. Algorithms are written in computer programming languages. (False)
Correct Answer:
Algorithms are written in the form of a flowchart or plain English text.
2. Abstraction helps to avoid unnecessary complexity. (True)
3. Logical reasoning means applying formulas. (False)
Correct Answer:
Logical reasoning helps to develop a step-by-step solution for any given problem.
4. Patterns help us in spotting similarities in problems. (True)
5. Debugging means clearing your surroundings. (False)
Correct Answer:
Debugging means to find and fix errors.

C. Application Based Questions:
1. The class teacher has divided the whole class in groups and assigned different projects. Ravi is the Team Leader of his group and he is overwhelmed will all the work. Suggest him the two steps of Computational Thinking that will help him organise the tasks at hand.
Ravi should apply Analysing and Decomposition to organise the tasks. By analysing, he will have a clear idea of the steps to be taken to complete the tasks and decomposition will help him to delegate the tasks among his team members.

2. Shruti is excited about learning Computational thinking at school. She wants to explain to her parents that computational thinking will help her in developing some key-skills. What key skills she should mention to her parents?
Practice of Computational thinking fosters key skills in children like Perseverance, Debugging, Creating and Experimenting. 

D. Multiple Choice Questions:
1. Computational thinking is used by __________________.
a) Humans
b) Computers
c) Both a & b
c) Both a & b

2. There are ______________ key elements of Computational Thinking.
a) 5
b) 3
c) 6
a) 5

3. Decomposition refers to _____________.
a) Making compost
b) Breaking down in small parts
c) Decompressing a file
b) Breaking down in small parts

4. In the context of Computational Thinking, patterns are found in __________.
a) Dresses
b) Problems
c) Computer
b) Problems

5. Abstraction refers to filtering ________________.
a) Irrelevant Solutions
b) Irrelevant Details
c) Irrelevant Problems
b) Irrelevant Details

E. Answer the following:
1. What is Computational Thinking? Where is it used?
Computational Thinking is a though process that teaches us how to solve complex real-world problems in such a way that a human or a computer can effectively carry these out.

2. What is the first element of Computational Thinking? What does it define?
The first element of Computational Thinking is Analysis. It is the process of understanding the problem and conditions, and defining the goals.

3. What is Abstraction in context of Computational Thinking? How is it used in solving problems?
Abstraction is the process of filtering out details or components of the problem to focus on the relevant ones. It avoids unnecessary complexity, and saves efforts.

4. How does Computational Thinking help to develop the key-skill of Debugging in children?
Computational Thinking involves trying various possible solutions and finding the most appropriate ones. In this process, children learn to find and fix errors. 

5. What are Patterns? Why is it important to observe patterns?
Patterns are trends and similarities among problems. Patterns exist among different problems and within the individual issues. We need to look for both. Recognising patterns help us to make predictions and use the techniques that have been proven to solve similar problems in the past.

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