Kips Class 8 IT Beans Chapter 1 Networking Concepts

Chapter 1 Networking Concepts

Brain Developers
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. PAN is a computer network created for an individual person.
2. Communication system allows us to talk to any person in the world at any time.
3. A computer network enables two or more computers to share data and hardware resources.
4. In a network, modification or up gradation of the software or data is done at a single point only.
5. The computers that communicate with each other are called Nodes.
6. A network is maintained without using wires is called wireless networking.
7. LAN and MAN are different types of networking.

B. State True or False:
1. Nodes and servers have the same function. (False)
Correct Answer:
Nodes and servers do not have the same function.
2. Wi-Fi stands for Wireless Fidelity. (True)
3. Network cards are used to physically attach a computer to a network. (True)
4. WAN stands for Wide Area Network. (True)
5. In Client-Server Network, there is no central server. (False)
Correct Answer:
In Client-Server Network, there is central server.
6. Extranet refers to computer network restricted to an organisation. (False)
Correct Answer:
Intranet refers to computer network restricted to an organisation.

C. Application Based Questions:
1. Mr. Hemant has set up his office with 50 computers. He wants to connect computers and peripheral devices within his office building with wires. Which type of network will you suggest him to use?
He should use LAN to connect computers and peripheral devices.

2. Which type of network architecture is the most suitable, when a few number of computers, having similar power and capacity are to be networked together?

3. Arpita wants to attach her computer to a network so that it can participate in network communication. Which card will you suggest her to use?
Arpita should use Network Card so that her computer can participate in network communication.

4. Raman wants to send a few photographs and songs to one of his friends by interconnecting mobile phone using short-range wireless connection. Which technology would be the most suitable for her?
She should use Bluetooth to send a few photographs and songs to his friends.

D. Multiple Choice Questions:
1. Which is the most commonly used network card?
a) Wi-Fi
b) Bluetooth
c) Ethernet Network Card
c) Ethernet Network Card

2. The ____________ are the certain sets of rules that determine how data should be transferred over the network.
a) Protocols
b) Network cards
c) Both
a) Protocols

3. What do we call the computers that are connected to the server?
a) Nodes
b) Laptop
c) PC
a) Nodes

4. ____________ security means protecting data and resources from any unauthorised access.
a) Network
b) Information
c) Resource Sharing
a) Network

5. _____________ is a device that connects wireless communication devices to form a wireless network.
a) WAN
b) Wi-Fi
c) WAP
c) WAP

E. Answer the following:
1. What is Networking? Give some common relevant examples.
Networking is a computer network that can be defined as a group of computers and other peripheral devices that are linked together for the purpose of sharing data and hardware resources. Example: If one of the computer in a network has a printer attached to it, then all the computers in that network can access the printer and use it to print the documents, where Computer A and B in a network can give print command to the printer attached with Computer C.

2. List some advantages of Networking.
Advantages of Networking:
• Data can be shared on a central computer.
• It reduces the cost of hardware as hardware resources can be shared.
• Updating of data is done at a single point.
• It reduces the need of hard copies as soft copies can be shared.

3. Differentiate between LAN and WAN.

• LAN (Local Area Network)
→ In LAN, two or more computers and peripheral devices are connected within a small area, such as room, office building or a campus.
→ In LAN, computer terminals are physically connected with wires. The data transmission speed is fast as compared to WAN.
→ Since, LAN is operated in small area, it can be controlled and administered by a single person or an organisation.
• WAN (Wide Area Network)
→ This kind of network connects two or more computers located at far-away place. They are linked by communication facilities, like telecommunication or satellite signals.
→ The most common example of WAN type network is telecom system. The usage of WAN is limited to very large organisations and government agencies.
→ The main characteristics of WAN is that it requires public telecommunication media to transfer data. 

4. What do you understand by network security?
Network Security means protecting data and resources from any unauthorised access. It is the most important aspect in computer networking. Since many users are accessing the same data, so we must ensure its proper security. There are two general levels of network security:
• Login Security
• Rights Security

5. Explain Client-Server network.
It is a network, where several computers called clients or workstations are connected to the main computer called the server. A server is a computer that provides services to clients and controls access to hardware, software and other resources. Clients are the computers, which request services, like data retrieval, storage, etc., from the server.

F. Define the following terms:
1. WAP ____________________________________________
2. Bluetooth ____________________________________________
3. Server ____________________________________________
4. Node ____________________________________________

1. WAP: WAP (Wireless Access Point) is a device that connects wireless communication devices to form a wireless network.
2. Bluetooth: Bluetooth is a wireless technology that is used to interconnect mobile phones, computers, printers, etc. using short-range wireless connection.
3. Server: A server is a computer that provides services to clients and controls access to hardware, software and other resources.
4. Node: Each computer in a network is called a node.

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